Why are we increasing the cost of Gratitude

We take immense pride in providing you with the highest quality speciality roasted coffee beans. We understand that any price increase can be a point of concern, and we want to be as transparent as possible about why we’re making this change.

The current landscape

Over the past few years, the coffee industry has faced a series of challenges that have significantly impacted the cost of bringing speciality coffee to your cup. Here are some of the key factors contributing to increased costs:

  1. Rising costs of green coffee beans: The cost of green coffee beans has been steadily increasing due to various factors, including climate change affecting crop yields and economic fluctuations in coffee-producing countries. Speciality beans are the heart of our product, and securing the best quality beans is non-negotiable for us.

  2. Increased freight Costs: The global shipping and logistics industry has experienced unprecedented disruptions and cost increases. Fuel price hikes and supply chain issues have all contributed to higher freight costs. These additional expenses impact every stage of our supply chain, from farm to your home.

  3. Higher packaging costs: The materials for our bags and labels have also seen a price rise. We use high-quality, eco-friendly packaging to ensure that your coffee arrives fresh and with minimal environmental impact. The cost of these materials has increased, and we have absorbed these costs as long as we could.

Our commitment to quality

Despite these rising costs, we have not compromised on the quality of our coffee. We’ve continued to source the highest scoring beans and apply our meticulous roasting process to ensure you get the best cup of coffee every time.

Why we need to increase the price?

We have been absorbing these additional costs for some time to avoid passing them on to you. However, we’ve now reached a point where we must adjust our prices to sustain our business and continue providing the coffee you love.

Starting from Saturday 15th June, the price of our 1kg bags of coffee beans will increase from $50 to $58 and the price of our 250g bags will increase from$17.50 to $18.50.

Our promise to you

We understand that price increases are never welcome news, and we are grateful for your understanding and continued support. Here’s what you can expect moving forward:

  • Consistent quality: We remain committed to delivering the same quality of speciality coffee.

  • Transparent communication: We promise to keep you informed about any changes and the reasons behind them.

  • Continued value: We believe that our coffee provides excellent value for the quality and care that goes into every bag.

  • Appreciation for your support… and the occasional dad joke!

Thank you for being a part of our coffee community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at hello.extraction@gmail.com


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