How to choose a speciality wholesale coffee supplier?

Queensland is home to many brilliant speciality coffee roasters, so how do you go about choosing a wholesale roaster that’s right for you and your business?

1. Do you enjoy drinking the coffee?

Let’s face it, if you aren’t in love with the bean taste then you’re going to have a hard time selling it to your customers. We suggest visiting several different cafes to see what you like. Are you wanting a dark roast or do you prefer a medium roast where the origin of speciality coffee shines through? You’re sure to have lots of questions, but that’s what we’re here for.

2. Is the coffee easy to dial in and taste great in all your different milk offerings?

There is nothing worse than having a coffee that’s inconsistent in taste. Your number one offering needs to taste great with full cream milk and alternative milks.

3. Does the coffee company have a rep that you enjoy talking with?

This is important, because this rep is going to be your go to person anytime you need assistance. You need to feel comfortable and confident that your rep has your back and will pull out all the stops to make sure you are looked after. Our Wholesale Manager, Manuel, our Head of Coffee, Liam and our owners, Alex and Heather have a wealth of experience to share with you.

4. Do they offer other products to enhance your sales?

Think cold brew, chai, a good quality chocolate powder, cups, lids etc. We can supply all of this and more. You just need to ask :)

5. Can you order a minimum amount of coffee or do you need to be ordering the same quantity every week?

This is particularly important in these tough economic times. At Extraction, we don’t have a minium order. You might need 20kg one week and 5kg another week. We don’t judge. We’ll support you, no matter what you need.

6. Will I get help with marketing and promotion?

Absolutely. We love to shout out loud about our wholesale customers. If social media isn’t your thing, we can help you develop a social media strategy that will help increase your speciality coffee sales.


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