How to Cup Coffee: A Guide for Beginners

The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, the anticipation of discovering unique flavour notes and the joy of starting a coffee journey like no other. That, our fellow coffee enthusiasts, is the allure and importance of coffee cupping. In this beginner's guide, we will take you on a delightful exploration of the world of coffee cupping, where we'll explore its secrets and empower you to discern the nuances of specialty coffee in Brisbane. 

What is coffee cupping?

Coffee cupping is the coffee industry's time-honoured practice of evaluating and discerning the intricate flavours locked within each coffee bean. Much like wine tasting, cupping allows us to appreciate the distinctive characteristics of different coffee varieties. It's a journey that reveals the soul of a coffee, the culmination of a bean's journey from its origins, through processing and roasting to your cup.

Beyond being just a way to enjoy coffee, cupping is an invaluable tool used by professionals to assess coffee quality, identify flavour profiles, and select the finest beans to delight discerning palates.

Setting up for cupping


To start on your coffee cupping adventure, you'll need a few essential tools. The magic begins with the cups – we recommend using specialised coffee cupping bowls designed to bring out the coffee's true character. You'll also need cupping spoons, a scale and a grinder to ensure precision throughout the process. Remember, it's the little details that can make a significant difference in your cupping experience.

Coffee selection

Selecting the right coffee beans in Brisbane is the gateway to an extraordinary cupping session. For the best results, opt for specialty coffee beans from Brisbane's finest roasters, like us at Extraction Coffee Roasters. Consider factors, such as freshness, roast level and origin. Embrace the diversity of single-origin coffees, each carrying a unique story of its terroir, processing methods and flavour profiles.

Grind consistency

One of the golden rules of cupping is achieving a consistent grind size. This ensures that each coffee sample releases its full potential during the cupping process. Too fine a grind may result in over-extraction, while a coarse grind might leave flavours untapped. Experiment with your grinder settings until you find the sweet spot that accentuates the coffee's best attributes.

The cupping process

As you're all set up, it's time to dive into the cupping process itself.

Water temperature and ratio

A crucial aspect of cupping is maintaining an ideal water temperature and coffee-to-water ratio. Aim for water just below boiling and a precise coffee-to-water ratio, typically around 1:15 or 1:17. This balance allows the flavours to bloom without overwhelming your taste buds.

Fragrance evaluation

With the dry coffee grounds in your cup, take a moment to inhale deeply and savour the aromatic symphony. What do you smell? Floral notes, fruity undertones or perhaps a hint of chocolate? Make note of your impressions as they set the stage for what's to come.

Wet aroma and breaking the crust

Now comes the exciting part. Pour hot water over the coffee grounds, and as a crust forms on the surface, take in the aroma. After two minutes, break the crust with a gentle stir and evaluate the wet aroma.

Slurping and tasting

To fully appreciate the coffee's flavours, it's time to slurp. Yes, slurping! It might feel a bit funny, but it's essential for distributing the coffee evenly across your palate. As you slurp, let the coffee coat your tongue and taste buds. Notice the flavours, acidity, body and aftertaste. Is it vibrant and citrusy, or perhaps velvety with notes of caramel?

Scoring and notetaking

To keep track of your discoveries, create a simple scoring system and take detailed notes. Record each coffee's characteristics, preferences and even personal feelings about the experience. This practice will help you refine your palate and enhance your future cupping sessions.

Helpful cupping tips

As you dive deeper into the art of coffee cupping, consider these valuable tips:


Good lighting is the unsung hero of cupping. It allows you to observe the coffee's colour, clarity and texture clearly. Natural light is best, so if possible, set up your cupping station near a window or a well-lit area.

Cleanse palate

Between sips, cleanse your palate with sips of water and nibbles of plain crackers or bread. This simple act refreshes your taste buds and ensures that each specialty coffee in Brisbane  shines in its own right.


When cupping multiple coffees, start with lighter roasts before moving on to darker roasts. This sequence prevents bolder flavours from dominating and lets you appreciate the subtleties of each coffee.

Practice consistency

Consistency is key. Maintain uniform brewing parameters, like water temperature and coffee-to-water ratio, throughout your cupping sessions. This practice ensures reliable and accurate comparisons between coffees.


For those passionate about honing their cupping skills, calibration sessions with experienced cuppers or cupping labs are a brilliant idea. Learning from experts and exchanging insights will deepen your understanding of coffee.

Wrapping up

Coffee cupping is more than just a tasting exercise; it's a path to discovering the intricacies of specialty coffee in Brisbane. Embrace the adventure, explore diverse flavours and unlock the full potential of each coffee bean. And remember, for the finest specialty coffee beans in Brisbane, be sure to explore the many different coffee origins available from Extraction Coffee Roasters.

Specialty coffee beans Brisbane, specialty coffee Brisbane, coffee Beans Brisbane. These keywords are more than just words; they represent the essence of your journey into the world of coffee cupping. Savour each cup, embrace the complexity and let your palate be your guide as you delve into the captivating realm of specialty coffee.

If you want to take your cupping experience a little further, join us for the Coffee Appreciation Experience. This captivating journey begins with a one-hour cupping session, followed by a delightful lunch at our flagship cafe, Extraction Artisan Coffee. This unique and educational encounter immerses you in the rich heritage and artistry of coffee craftsmanship, creating unforgettable connections with the world of coffee. Happy cupping!


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