6 Signs that Your Specialty Coffee Beans in Brisbane Have Gone Stale

Are you a specialty coffee drinker who's noticed that your once delicious coffee has lost its lustre? It could be a sign that your beans have gone stale. If you're not familiar with this and other signs of stale coffee, it's not always easy to tell when it's time to replace your beans. 

To help you identify when it's time to get a new batch of beans, this article will discuss six signs that your specialty coffee beans in Brisbane have gone stale. Whether you're a café owner or a coffee lover brewing at home, read on to learn how to recognise the signs of stale coffee beans and ensure that you're always enjoying the full flavour and aroma of your specialty coffee.

Oily Beans

Are your specialty coffee beans in Brisbane looking shiny or oily? While you might think that this is a sign of freshness, oily beans can actually be an indication that your coffee has gone stale. When coffee beans are over roasted, oils are released that contribute to the flavour and aroma of the coffee. However, over time, these oils can become rancid and negatively impact the taste of the coffee.

If you're not sure if your beans are oily or not, take a closer look at them. Fresh coffee beans will have a dry appearance, while stale or over roasted beans will look shiny or oily. If your beans have a greasy film or residue, it's a sign that they may be over roasted and have gone stale.

No Crema

A fan of espresso or milk based coffee drinks? If so, then you know that crema is an important part of the extraction process. Crema is the layer that forms on top of a freshly brewed shot of espresso and is created by the emulsification of oils and water during the extraction process. However, if you're noticing that your espresso shots are coming out without crema, it could be a sign that your specialty coffee beans in Brisbane have gone stale.

When coffee beans lose their freshness, they lose the oils that contribute to the formation of crema. This can result in a shot of espresso that lacks the creamy and smooth texture that you're used to.

Stale Taste

Another sign of stale specialty coffee beans in Brisbane is a flat, lifeless or unpleasant taste. When coffee beans are properly roasted, they release gases that contribute to the development of flavour and aroma of the coffee. Over an extended period of time, these gases dissipate, leaving behind a stale and dull taste. 

Faded Colours

During roasting, coffee beans in Brisbane undergo a chemical reaction that produces a beautiful range of colours, from light tan to dark brown. But with time, the beans can lose their vibrancy and become dull or faded due to exposure to air, light and moisture. 

Mouldy Beans

The last thing you want to find in your specialty coffee beans is mould. Unfortunately, if you notice any signs of mould on your beans, it's a sign that they have gone bad and should be discarded immediately.

Mould on coffee beans can form when there is too much moisture present, either from improper storage or exposure to humid environments. Consuming mouldy coffee beans can be harmful to your health and can cause symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If you've been keeping your specialty coffee beans in Brisbane in a humid area, you may notice signs of mould on the beans. This is a clear indication that the beans are no longer safe to consume and should be thrown away.

Lack of Aroma

One of the most obvious signs that your specialty coffee beans in Brisbane have gone stale is the lack of aroma. When coffee beans are fresh, they release a rich, intense aroma that can fill a room and make your mouth water. However, when coffee beans lose their freshness, they also lose their aroma. This leaves you with a bland and tasteless cup of coffee.

To check if your coffee beans have lost their aroma, try taking a deep breath of the beans before you grind them. If you can't smell anything or the aroma is weak, it's a sign that your beans may have gone stale.

Extraction Coffee Roasters: the top choice for coffee beans in Brisbane

When preparing your coffee beans, it's essential to pay attention to the signs that they have gone stale. Whether it's a lack of aroma, oily beans, no crema, stale taste, or faded colour, each sign is an indication that your coffee beans are no longer fresh and may not produce the best-tasting coffee.

To ensure that your specialty coffee beans in Brisbane are always fresh and flavourful, consider storing them properly in a cool, dry and dark place, away from air and light. Additionally, make sure to use your coffee beans within two to six weeks of the roasting date.

At Extraction Coffee Roasters, we understand the importance of fresh, high-quality specialty coffee beans. That's why we take pride in sourcing and roasting only the best beans, ensuring that they are always fresh and bursting with flavour. If you're looking for specialty coffee beans in Brisbane, visit our shop to explore our range of delicious speciality coffees. Happy shopping!


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